Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Sometimes, I feel as if I'm in the wrong profession. I should go into art or something!! lol

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Too much of anything isn't good!

After flattening my tummy for a bit, my curves are emphasized 
and it's too curvy for my taste and even my boobs are too big for my taste!! 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Lonely Back Road

There is a particular countryside highway that I take to visit my love. This back road isn't taken by most and often times, I think I'm a lone traveler. Perhaps, once in a while, a few car will pass by here and there but the traffic is never stalling. The scene is full of farm land with two cluster of houses along that highway. The highway is so lonesome that I don't even see a sign that indicates what town I may be passing by. The highway is so lonesome and that I wouldn't dare travel it by the dark of night. The highway is so lonely that when I see even one single person working the land out there, I groan to myself that I'm not alone. I guess a perk of traveling this lonesome highway is because I feel that I can behavior however I like. This is the briefness where I take a moment to break laws about utilizing a cell phone when operating a vehicle, or break the speed limit. And I would still feel safe.

But this visit on April the 1st is a visit far different from all prior visits. Perhaps it had to do with the anxiety I was struggling with for the last two weeks. It may have been the downward spiral that my own bible study group cast me upon, or the immensity of receiving two rings from my love's mom, or was it the consistent confusion and self doubt I inevitably bear that may have tossed me into my own internal sea storm? I was just a ship that sailed out on a bright sunny day when I got with Tith but got lost and shaky at sea in those two last weeks. My confusion don't parallel with the oppression and disagreement of others. It's consistent with the fact that so much of my wants and desires are coming true and to be frank, I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not quite ready; I can't embrace it yet. It's frightening.

It had rained the day and night before April 1st and on that morning, the eastern sky was clear and blue with its scattered puffy white clouds. The gleaming sun was the first thing in the sky to beckon my attention on that morning. As I was driving, the sun came along with nothing to block it, until I had to head west. Soon, I headed south and the sun was once again shinning at me from that crystal blue sky; to my right there's an overcast of gray clouds. Breaking the law as I usually normally do, I picked up my phone to check the lock down status of my love's building, not paying any mind to the weather or road conditions. By the time I looked up, my windshield was splattered with raindrops. I quickly struggled with the malfunctioning wipers. That only took a moment and then my windshield cleared up; I noticed a rainbow at a distance to my right. It was huge, vibrant, intimidating. I've always loved looking at rainbows and its bright colors but I've never for once in my life been so close to one before. I was just threw back by its grandness. I admire that piece of rainbow right in my view, just thinking about my love. And then I turned around saw the other end of the rainbow behind my car, also to the far right. I realized I was smack down in the middle of this grand rainbow. Finally, I see an entire rainbow, no part of it was blocked by the concrete industries of the city. This beautiful dragon* rose up right before me and I can see it end to end. Suddenly, I realize something. I'll see the end of this rainbow as I was driving.

So with the ever so popular Irish saying that at the end of a rainbow there is a pot of gold, metaphorically, I saw that Tith is my pot of gold. After all, I was driving to see my love, along the the rainbow and saw the ends of the light of the rainbow, beaming right from the ground or right down to the ground. With this thought, I couldn't be more excited about seeing the rainbow. And then I finally reached the end of the rainbow, driving so closely next to it, that if I had stopped the car and ran into that farm field, I could have been in the rainbow, the lights were so magnificent, so spectacular, overwhelming, I was actually scared. It felt supernaturally divine, with the sun shining on my left but rain poured on my car and gray skies to my right. I understand that scientifically, when the sun shines on rain droplets, it creates a rainbow on earth. However, I sincerely believe this rainbow was meant for me to see and appreciate.

After passing the rainbow, I turned around and looked at it a few more times and noticed it was fading away. I reflected on the meaning of a rainbow. According to Christianity belief, a rainbow is God covenant of peace to mankind, to never wipe out mankind on the face of the earth again. But the significance of the rainbow is more than just a covenant after the great world wide flood. It's God's promise of forgiveness and love to mankind. This is how I came to believe that God had reached out to me, to assure me in my current situation. Seeing this rainbow is the most compelling experience I've ever had. All my prayers for guidance, comfort, and assurance, was given to me when I saw this rainbow.

I know this rainbow was a sign from God himself; a sign to give me peace and assurance, to show love and forgiveness, not just for me but for Tith as well.

dragon*- In Hmong cultural, the rainbow is referred to as a dragon for its bright colors and immense size. 

Monday, January 30, 2012


I went searching through my patio and found some neat stuff:

-A brand new, never used 240 art piece set
-A brand new Victorian style photo album
-My old CNA Gait belt
-A photo album of my father's first video production

Very unique and interesting! I love rediscovering things!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Failure is the Pillars of Success

"I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot . . . and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
--Michael Jordan

Friday, January 13, 2012

Weekly Goal

Yay! I did it! I'd reached my weekly goal, that is to lose 5lbs! 

Despite the over eating at the potluck, the consumption of cups of noodles, pork belly, I still reached my goals! 

I'd have to say, this loss is owed to the walking I was doing at school! 

Another week, another 5 lbs! 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I'll Be Here

Gosh, this picture speaks so much volume! When I first saw it, I thought of my friend Marlene 'cause she loves pandas! They are so cute and cuddly! I had to link the picture to her FB.

And then I thought of a couple, working together to accomplish a task. And then I was flooded with thoughts of me and Tut. I can't help it. I'm always there for him, doing what I can do. I don't think I've ever refused his call before. I want to be able to see him through what he's going through. I don't want to fail this task. Like all great and strong things, we can only be destroyed from within, God forbid.

But these two pandas look like siblings or even a pair of good friends, just lending a hand. *sighs* All the emotions that runs through me simply can't be express. I absolutely love this photo!

But overall, they are pandas, just probably doing what pandas do!

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year, New Resolutions

Here's to a new year, a new, better, and improved you! 
My resolutions are still the same but to improve at it. 

-Control diabetes
-Save money
-Keep a healthy and sensible diet
-Continue to focus on and accomplish weight loss
-Be dedicated to being active
-Stay focus on all goals and tasks

I've been having these same resolutions for about 2 years; this will be my third year. Each year, I get better at keeping my resolutions. 2011 was my most successful year. I believe Tut has something to do with it; he's always pushing me and reminding me of my goals. Thank you, love. In a sense, he's always nagging me but I'm still glad I get reminded to do well! 

For breakfast, I get no easier break than to have a simple and delicious fruit and veggie juice! 
2 celery, 1 green apple, and 2 carrots

And for lunch, I'll have 1 serving of whole grain oatmeal with apple bites, raisins, and sliced almonds! (Not pictured)

Here's my dinner, a part of my change is to have more veggies and less meat. 
Chicken wing is my substitute for breast! 
In between meals, I'll snack on prunes to help with digestion. And I'll have peanuts to sustain hunger! 

Here's a breakdown of my intended weekly workout schedule:
Sunday: AM 1.5 hour workout
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: 6AM 1 hour workout
Thursday: 6AM 1 hour workout
Friday: 6AM 1 hour workout
Saturday: AM 1.5 hour workout

As for saving money, I'll have to purchase a safe box with a lock so I can save cash. Throughout my years of attempting to save, I keep drawing funds from my savings account into my checking, hence, I can never save! And since I don't like using cash, I'll unlikely take the money from the safe box to spend. Moreover, if I store the money away, don't see it, and don't think about it, I most likely would not use it! I'd like to save about $100 a month! 

As for the rest of my resolutions, I know I have to diligently work at them. I want to make my resolution a permanent change, a lifestyle change as opposed to just an annual resolution. 

Good luck folks!